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Bradley & Naomi, ...To Me & You (Vodka & Vice, the Series Book 2)

  Bradley & Naomi

  …To Me & You!

  A Contemporary Romantic Comedy

  Vodka & Vice, the Series

  Book 2


  Kathleen Hesser Skrzypczak &

  Angela J. Conrad

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter One

  Fired up

  Chapter Two

  A Russian sandwich

  Chapter Three

  My Naomi. Mine, mine

  Chapter Four

  A what?

  Chapter Five

  Snow day

  Chapter Six

  Double Slotzkys

  Chapter Seven

  Stuck in the middle…with you

  Chapter Eight

  Two sick Slotzkys

  Chapter Nine

  I heart New York

  Chapter Ten

  Neighborhood blow

  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter Twelve

  Viktor, just stop

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chase, wild goose

  Chapter Fourteen

  Get out fast

  Chapter Fifteen

  That drink will have to wait

  Chapter Sixteen

  Bradley, brandy, & boss

  Chapter Seventeen

  Manny oh Manny

  Chapter Eighteen

  Let’s get something straight

  Chapter Nineteen

  We don’t need another caveman

  Chapter Twenty

  Two rings and a thing

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Let’s go crazy

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Just being kind

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Ferry tales can come true

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  An aunt away

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Surprise Darren!

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  An interesting development

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Finding it again

  Copyright 2016 © Kathleen Hesser Skrzypczak and Angela J Conrad

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

  Trademarked names appear throughout this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  The information in this book is distributed on an “as is” basis, without warranty. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the author nor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

  Bradley & Naomi -…To Me & You! Vodka & Vice, the Series is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright 2012-16 © Original artwork/photos by James Nutt

  Original artwork/photographs by architect and artist, James Nutt

  Cover design by Carol’s Cover Design

  Chapter One

  Fired up


  New York City, Monday, February 14th

  I’m staring, feeling like I’m in some kind of weird dream. This girl looks like Naomi, but her hair’s too dark, her dress is all wrong—too sexy. My Naomi wouldn’t be caught at a costume party in a hot little number like that. I kind of liked that about her. All natural; all-American. But, no, there are the gray eyes and her cheekbones and her skin like milk. “Naomi?” I ask.

  She pushes herself up in her seat, leans forward, studies me for a second, “Bradley, did you just rescue me from that burning building?”

  “I did, of course I thought you were this girl, Natalia, that I brought here tonight. She was wearing the same kind of…”

  Naomi slaps me across the face, hard.

  “Ow. What’d you do that for? I saved your life.” I rub my cheek.

  “So, you didn’t mean to rescue me? If you knew it was your old girlfriend Naomi, the one you cheated on and dumped, you would have left me in the flames?”

  “You look so different, why would I think it was you? Anyway, I saved your ass.”

  “Nobody asked you to carry me out of there. Are you saying you didn’t recognize me at all? After what, two weeks? You don’t know me Bradley? I think you’re lying. What’s the matter? Did you see my new guy all over me? See how he can’t keep his hands off me? You just can’t handle it, can you?” She stares hard at me, until I have to look away.

  Luba lights a cigarette, eyeing us both. “Darling, Bradchka isn’t concerned with you now. He has two gorgeous Russian ladies to play with. You should go away. We need to find our friend and make sexy time. Luba’s getting bored.”

  “You’re the redhead from the restaurant…you’ve been seeing Bradley all along haven’t you?” Naomi looks straight into my eyes as she asks her question, and I see tears forming.

  “Darling, Bradley, and I are an item, we make love all night, and we have adventures, nothing in it for you anymore.”

  Luba takes a drag of her Marlboro Light and blows smoke rings into Naomi’s face.

  Naomi winces and waves the smoke away from her. “Do you have to do that?” She opens a window. “Who are you, anyway?”

  The cab driver interrupts. “Hey, are we going somewhere? Or are you just paying me for my good looks?” I check the meter. It’s been running the whole time and we’re up to twelve bucks. I give him Naomi’s address.

  “We’ll drop you off; it’s on our way,” I lie.

  “No thanks,” Naomi says firmly, hand on the door handle. She gets out too fast and falls on her face. I jump out, help her up. She’s like a wet noodle in my arms. I can tell she doesn’t want me to be touching her, but if I let go, she’s going to fall into the slushy gutter again. “Viktor will come for me. Let me just get my balance back.” The streetlight hits her face and I can see blood trickling from her temple.

  “We should get you home right now,” I almost shout. I’m afraid she’s going to pass out. “And who’s this Viktor?” I can’t help it.

  Luba is leaning out of her window. “Yes, darling, do tell. Tell us about this Viktor and would he be interested in a little orgy? You’re hot, and I wouldn’t mind a few more. Is this Viktor as hot as you?”

  “If you must know, he’s an actor, so yeah, he’s hot.” Naomi’s looking at Luba like she wants to scratch her eyes out. It’s kind of gratifying. Maybe she does still care about me. I smile, big mistake.

  Naomi turns her bloody face to me. “Oh, that’s funny? You think it’s funny I’m dating someone hot? Maybe a famous actor? What, you thought you were the only handsome man I could ever get? You think I’m not good enough to attract more than one gorgeous guy in my life? Well, guess what? Viktor Slotsky is one HUNDRED times hotter than you. Hotter than you’ll ever be. And he treats me right. Better than you did on your
best days. He adores me.” She tries to push away and stumbles, rights herself on the side of the car. I feel like I’m going to fall over, myself. Naomi is with my best friend? But…how?

  Luba dissolves into fits of hysterical laughter. “Oh my God! I didn’t think this could get any better. Bradchka, this is priceless, no? Your best friend is making sexy time with your…” she looks disdainfully at Naomi, “your, how you say? Hand-me-down.”

  Naomi looks stung and I feel suddenly protective of her. I wrap her in my arm and throw a twenty into the front seat of the cab. “The lady will give you her address,” I yell into the front window. “Bye, Luba.” Before she can say anything, I bang on the cab and he pulls into the street, probably happy to be moving away from all this drama.

  I scoop Naomi up in my arms just as she passes out.

  Chapter Two

  A Russian sandwich


  Tuesday, February 15th

  Did that red-haired witch call me Bradley’s hand-me-down? I must be dreaming. I’m hot, and clammy, and close to throwing up a flask full of something rotten. A mixture of smoky pork and flavored vodka coats my tongue like a sticky sleeve. It’s dark and a strong arm is around me while long fingers slowly run through my knotted hair. They better be Viktor’s hands and not Darren Broderick’s or I’ll know I’m caught in some terrible spectral loop of time travel.

  I’m afraid to open my eyes.

  “Viktor? Is that you?”

  I hear a string of cuss words, a groan, and I turn and see him, it’s Viktor. No… similar…it’s, “Bradley?”

  “Yes baby, it’s me.”

  I sit up too fast and my head spins.

  “Bradley? Oh I remember, you were out on a date with three women and you mistakenly saved me.”

  “Two, I was with two women.”

  “Whatever. Where’s Viktor? Is he okay, did he get out of that nightclub?”

  I start to panic. Was Bradley here to tell me something terrible had happened to Viktor?

  “He’s fine. I called him. He’s taking his sister home, and then he’ll be here.”

  “Good.” I realize I’m crying and I don’t know why. I feel my forehead and there’s a Band-Aid there.

  “What happened?”

  “You fell on the sidewalk, you’re okay. Breathe, calm down and breathe.”

  I remember then, this is Bradley and he knows how to talk me off the panic attack ledge. I feel sad, and weak. The dam breaks and I cry out.

  “Why did you leave me Bradley?”

  “You told me to go, remember?”

  I look into his beautiful cobalt eyes and sigh. I inhale deeply a few times and blink back the new tears. Right. He’s with three other women now, what did it matter?

  “Sure. I just wish you’d told me you hated me so much. You know my parents’ story, you were always free… you didn’t have to be so mean about it.”

  “Naomi…I don’t know what you’re talking about half the time. This is your fault we broke up.”

  I pull free of his arms, so stung I feel the crushing of my lungs against my breasts. He’s saying it’s all my fault? Why, because I’m not pretty enough? I’m too boring in bed? I was such a zero he had to go out and find more thrilling women?

  I slide off the bed and step into the shadows. I rub my eyes and a new resolve forms into a granite rock lodged inside my heart.

  Stop being like Mother.

  Don’t ask him questions.

  Don’t beg.

  Bradley doesn’t want you; he’s more than moved on, he has a harem now.

  I look down and see my beautiful chiffon dress that Viktor gave me smeared in soot and grime, totally ruined. Viktor, I need to think about him now, he wants me.

  “Naomi?” Bradley’s voice breaks the cold, silent night.

  Then I hear the front door click open, and relief washes through me. I run out to the entry and throw myself into Viktor’s welcoming arms.

  “KuKu, are you alright?” Viktor touches my bandaged head, and pulls me tightly against him. He kisses my cheeks, my neck, and whispers in my ear, “Bradley called and told me you were safe. I was so worried.”

  Viktor kisses me deeply; runs his hands down my back, and then pulls back, laughing like nothing dangerous happened at all.

  “Thank God you are okay. But you need a bath darling and I’m going to give you one.”

  I look into his merry eyes, marveling at his lightning fast, vivacious change of moods, then watch those clear blue orbs glance over my shoulder, and flash like warm silver. Viktor lets go of me and steps quickly over to Bradley, he hugs him like a giant bear greeting a desired bee hive, and growls, “Thank you my greatest friend for saving my woman. I owe you bro; I couldn’t live without my Naomi.”

  Chapter Three

  My Naomi. Mine, mine


  Tuesday, February 15th

  A minute ago, Naomi was yelling at me about hating her and cheating on her. As if that wasn’t surreal enough, Viktor just came in and is bear-hugging all the breath out of me, going on and on about ‘his Naomi’ and how he couldn’t live without her. What the?

  “Dude,” I croak out, “ease up.” Viktor drops his arms and steps back, beaming.

  “I’m so happy you have met my KuKu, my friend. How lucky it was you found her and rescued her. I was in the hookah room with my little sister, Natalia, when the sprinklers went off. We were kind of, out of it?” He shrugs his shoulders in a kind of ‘who me?’ gesture and I guess he must have been pretty high. I wonder what Naomi thinks about my smoking friend, but I’m too scared to look at her right now. “Anyway, I went out to the main floor, but there was no KuKu and I thought she probably was outside. I sent Natalia home in a cab and just kept walking the streets until you called. KuKu, did you know you and my sister have the same dress?”

  Naomi walks over to us and insinuates herself between Viktor and me. “Yes, I’ve heard.” She says, looking at me. I can’t read her expression. She seems to be trying to will something on me. Viktor wraps his huge arms around her from behind, nuzzles her neck.

  “Well, old friend, I hate to ask you to go after all you did tonight, but KuKu must have her bath and bed. She’s been through so much and I want to take care of her now. I’m sure you understand.” Viktor smiles at me, punches me affectionately in the arm. “I’ll catch up with you tomorrow, bro.”

  First my stomach, then my fists clench in rage. I want to punch him in the face, shout she’s mine, take her out of his arms and run like hell. I clench my jaw, shift my gaze to Naomi. Now I understand her expression: please. I can see in her eyes that she doesn’t want to get into this tonight. She doesn’t want to tell Viktor that I’m her ex. Not tonight, but I wonder, not ever? Viktor kisses Naomi on the head.

  “I’m going to make your bath now, KuKu. Bradsky, see you tomorrow—we can take a steam and grab some drinks.” He heads off to the bathroom and closes the door. I hear water running and Viktor humming some pop song about ‘taking care of my baby.’ Naomi stands where she is, like a statue, so incredibly gorgeous, even with a Band-Aid on her head and smudges of dirt on her face.

  “Thank you for not saying anything,” she says.

  “What the hell, Naomi? You’re just not going to tell him? That might be the craziest thing I’ve ever seen you do, and that’s saying something.” I cross my arms, wait.

  “No, I will, just, I’m tired.”

  “You know what I’m tired of? Not knowing what the hell is going on with you, with us. What was all that shit about me hating you and cheating on you? Where’d you come up with all that? I never cheated on you.”

  “Oh, excuse me,” she answers, “I didn’t know that screwing a teenager doesn’t count as cheating. Chase told me all about her whips and chains.”

  “Wait, what? Are you still talking about Molly? Whips and chains? I thought you said you knew the whole story. You know, that Molly was planning my marriage proposal event for me—for us.” Naomi’s face dro
ps. Her brows knit together.

  “What? Proposal? If you’re lying to me…” she starts to say, but is interrupted.

  The bathroom door opens and Viktor walks out. “Buddy, can’t you take a hint?” He laughs his big, hearty laugh. “What? Are you hitting on my girl?” I flinch, Naomi’s right, this isn’t the time or place for this to come out. As jealous as I am, I don’t want to hurt my friend, it’s not his fault.

  I force a laugh. “Just leaving, bro, Naomi was thanking me again for saving her ass—life,” I stammer. “Catch you tomorrow.” Avoiding Naomi’s eyes, I turn to go. “Bye Naomi, feel better,” I say into the hallway as I step over the threshold and into the elevator. I head out into the early morning cold. On the street, there’s around three inches of snow and more falling. I hope the blizzard warnings are wrong—I really need to talk to Viktor in person tomorrow.

  Chapter Four

  A what?


  Tuesday, February 15th

  I’m sitting in my marble tub at two in the morning while Viktor washes my back. He’s already gently shampooed my hair, and carefully cleaned my cut and a few scrapes on my hands. No man has ever taken such good care of me before; not even my own father. Dad barely gave me a nod at bedtime. I suppose he saw me as another rusty chain, keeping him locked in his loveless marriage. My looks resemble my mother, I’m sure that didn’t help him feel anything for me. No wonder I thought I was nothing in any man’s eyes. Childhood bullshit.

  I’m coming down from my alcoholic high. I don’t want to think about Bradley, but I keep seeing his face. A what? He expects me to believe that he and Molly were planning an event, some sort of marriage proposal? He found a young woman on the internet to help him plan that? Ha. And just suppose I did want to believe that, grasp at his excuse like a drowning woman going after a life vest in high waves, what about all his current Russian women? That chain-smoking redhead who called me Bradley’s hand–me-down whore. Licka or Luba whoever. She admitted they were lovers and Bradley didn’t deny it. And wait…Natalia wore a dress like me…Bradley saved me by mistake…he said he meant to save his date…so that would mean…Bradley was having sex with both women. And one of them was Viktor’s sister?